If you are currently living in a Cape Coral independent living community and need a healthy outdoor hobby, we have the perfect thing! Gardening. You may be wondering, how is gardening good for my health? Our team at Cypress Cove put together 6 reasons why they think gardening can be the perfect hobby for you.

  1. It brightens your mood and your day.

    • Gardening can be therapeutic for aging seniors in Cape Coral independent living communities like Cypress Cove. Those who garden are more likely to feel accomplished and motivated after gardening daily for a short time. How can you not be excited to see something you planted blossom and come to life before your eyes? It is something that depends on you which can help seniors feel needed and appreciated again after retiring.
  2. Helps your joints.

    • The reason why gardening can help your joints is because it is a gentle activity that engages your muscles. That being said, it is always important to ask for assistance with the heavy lifting and not to be determined to do every aspect yourself. If you are struggling with bending, maybe get a raised garden bed installed outside of your Cypress Cove villa home in Cape Coral.
  3. Gardening gets your heart pumping.

    • Pruning, watering, raking, and planting are all low-impact cardio activities that get your blood flowing. Because gardening is also gentle on your muscles it is a perfect solution to get some daily cardio and muscle movement.
  4. An inexpensive way to brighten your Cape Coral Independent Living villa.

    • If you are growing your favorite flowers in your garden, you can clip off a few and use them as a nice centerpiece or decoration. This will be a great reminder of how your hard work paid off when taking a break from the sun.
  5. Spice up your life.

    • Even though Cypress Cove offers different dining options you will still have access to your own personal kitchen. So, if you have a favorite dish that requires a dash of a spice or seasoning that is growing in your yard, it can save you money and make the meal that much more special by adding in your own homegrown seasonings.
  6. If you are an early riser, you can beat the sun.

    • Gardening in Florida can be hot. That is why it is best for you to tend to your garden early morning or later in the afternoon when it is cooler outside. This allows you to get in your low-impact exercise before the sun has fully risen.

If you are looking for a Cape Coral independent living community like Cypress Cove and have questions about senior-friendly activities that will be available, give us a call! We are always happy to help answer any of your inquiries.