How to Transition a Loved One to Memory Care in Southwest Florida
When a parent or someone you love is dealing with Alzheimer’s or any form of dementia, it’s not just tough; it’s a daily rollercoaster of challenges to keep them safe at home. The constant worry about them wandering off or getting hurt adds an extra layer of stress. If it’s affecting your well-being and that of your loved ones, it might be the right time to explore a memory care community. For those living in Southwest Florida, our crew at The Cottage at Cypress Cove has got your back, and we’ve put together some down-to-earth tips for smoothly transitioning someone with dementia into memory care.
Find the Sweet Spot in Their Day:
Figuring out the best time of day for your loved one is like discovering a hidden treasure. People with dementia often have a time when they’re more relaxed and easier to chat with. If your loved one has a case of sundowner’s syndrome, plan the move for the morning – it beats the late afternoon or evening hustle.
Get Ready, It’s Moving Time:
In the weeks leading up to the move, become a detective of sorts. Keep tabs on what grabs their attention the most and what makes them smile. Bring those must-have items to their new home at the memory care community. Put the items in spots that sync with their routine. It’s like setting the stage for them to feel at home from the get-go.
Tunes and Shows for Comfort:
If there’s a favorite album or TV show that’s their go-to background noise, make sure it’s playing softly when they arrive. Familiar sounds can work wonders in easing any stress or anxiety they might be feeling.
Share the Story with Staff:
Your loved one’s life is a unique story, and the people at the memory care community should know about it. If they often talk about specific family members or memories, spill the beans to the staff. You can even create a scrapbook that’s easy to grab, giving them a great starting point for chats.
Stock Up on Snacks, the Comfort Kind:
Everyone has a favorite snack, right? If it’s not a health no-no and won’t trigger any allergies, load up on a few boxes of their comfort munchies. Even with access to excellent culinary services, having those familiar snacks stashed nearby is a simple joy.
If you are on the lookout for a memory care community in Southwest Florida, and you’ve got questions about senior care options, give us a ring! We’re always here to help and answer any questions you’ve got. Let’s make this journey a little smoother together! Call 239-CYPRESS (239-297-7377) today to get started.