Melody Desilets

Community Advancement Officer


With a background in program development, management and customer service, Melody, our Community Advancement Officer, is responsible for strategically planning and executing a comprehensive planned giving and fundraising program where individuals discover the joys of giving back to their unique passions and community.

Prior to joining the Cypress team, Melody served as Senior Director of Development for Lee Health and oversaw major, principal and legacy giving specific to Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. She was instrumental in bringing donor-funded support to launch the new pediatric neurosurgery program at Golisano.

Melody holds a bachelor’s degree in Tourism & Recreation from Niagara University in New York with a concentration in marketing and communication. She currently serves as Vice President of Programming for the Planned Giving Council of Lee County, Inc. and is participating in the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Leadership program.

Melody Desilets - Community Advancement Officer

Start your journey with Cypress Cove.

Innovative Programming

Cypress Cove offers unparalleled support for residents who need healthcare, providing caring, innovative solutions.

The Good Life

Our state-of-the-art whole person wellness programming will keep you at your very best.

Frequently Asked Questions

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