Transitioning a loved one into Cape Coral Senior Living is a tough decision especially amidst all the extenuated circumstances that carried over from 2020. However, because of what happened last year, many senior living communities have been able to help their residents stay connected with their families virtually. Here at Cypress Cove, we know that staying in touch with your loved ones is key even if you can’t physically be there for them. That is why we put together these helpful tips to help you stay connected.

Put it on the Calendar

Once you make a plan and put it on your calendar, it is harder to forget about it or double book yourself. With seniors routine is key, so if you are able to keep it the same time and day each week, that is ideal!

Selecting a Virtual Platform

Do you both use iPhones? If yes, FaceTime. It is simple and easy to use.

Do both of you use android devices? Use Google Meet.

Have a large family and everyone wants to join? Use Zoom, it is another free solution for groups.

How to Make the Most of Your Time Together

We put together some ideas that will make the call more interactive for everyone involved.

  1. Visuals. Try sharing your screen and showcasing your families’ latest accomplishments like a report card or piece of art. Share and reminisce about old family photos. This is especially helpful for seniors who may be showing early signs of dementia. You can even showcase extended family members’ Facebook updates so they can feel included in all the current happenings.
  2. Entertainment. Did their grandchild just learn a new song or dance routine? Have them put on a special show just for the family.
  3. Games. You can share your screen and play a game of tic tac toe or trivia.
  4. Prepare Additional Questions. Have a couple of questions written down just in case things get quiet. For example: What activities have you been doing at Cypress Cove? What is the food like? Have you made any new friends?
  5. Food. If the call is during dinner. You could order them their favorite meal, and have it delivered to both locations so that you guys can enjoy it together. Maybe it is as simple as a pizza.

There are a variety of ways to stay connected virtually after your loved one moves into a Cape Coral Senior Living Community like Cypress Cove. If you are looking for other ways to get involved, you can reach out to the Activity Director and volunteer to teach a class or set up a time to visit that does not take them away from a fun outing or event.