Slowing down, softer voices, and dustier homes, are normal signs of aging. It is ok if they used to maintain a spotless home and now their home is getting a little messier. This can be because it is harder for them to reach those spaces or lack of energy. The question is, when should you start to be concerned about these subtle signs of aging and start looking into Ft Myers senior living options? We put together a list of warning signs that might mean your parents would be safer and happier in an assisted living community.
Bank balance decreasing faster than expected.
- If you start noticing that they recently started writing more checks to unknown charities, or strangers this might be a sign they are being manipulated or scammed. Also, if their bank statements seem unorganized or there are unopened/past due bills this may be a warning sign that they need assistance with their finances.
Weight loss paired with a loss of appetite.
- This can be a sign of depression and poor nutrition. It is important to make sure they are getting proper nutrients so that they can perform their activities of daily living safely.
Brittle hair and ridged nails.
- This is another indicator of poor nutrition and lack of proteins. If they have these signs paired with lethargic and irritable behaviors it is time for an assisted living facility. Ft Myers senior living communities like Cypress Cove offer meals and snacks throughout the day to make sure your loved one is maintaining a healthy diet. It also takes away the stress of cooking or cleaning up after themselves, they simply sit down and order their favorite option.
Dents on the car or a scratched-up garage.
- If you have recently taken a drive with them and notice they are drifting from side to side, get in fender benders, or get lost often then it might be time to have them stop driving. If they move into an assisted living community then they will have everything they need in one place and transportation arrangements available for anything outside of the community.
Unorganized medicine cabinet.
- As you age, you start taking more medications and it can be challenging to properly manage them. If you investigate your loved one’s medicine cabinet and realize that they are unorganized, and some pills are mixed in with others. It may be time for them to start getting assistance with medications daily at an Ft Myers senior living community.
Becoming more anti-social.
- If they used to be social and have a variety of hobbies and now, they are no longer interested in those activities. It may be a sign of social isolation and depression. It is important to get them active and making new friends to improve their overall well-being.
Recent falls.
- If you start noticing some more bruises and cuts on them. They may have had a couple recent falls. It is important to figure out if they have tripping hazards in their house for you to address immediately or if they are simply losing their balance. Moving them into an assisted living community might be ideal so that you do not have to worry about them falling when no one else is around and them getting hurt or stuck there for hours.
Poor hygiene.
- If you notice that they are not washing their laundry, brushing their hair, or taking care of their personal hygiene it may be time to get them some assistance. It could be that they want to and are no longer able to safely maintain their appearance or that they are feeling depressed and no longer care about these items.
All in all, if you are looking for an Ft Myers Senior Living community like Cypress Cove and have questions about the senior care options, give us a call! We are always happy to help answer any of your inquiries.