These wellness profiles are just a few examples of residents who enjoy Cypress Cove’s wide variety of wellness programs, amenities and offerings to stay active and healthy. We hope they will inspire you to stay active in all the dimensions of wellness!

Rich Slomkowski is a former professional baseball player, PE teacher, athletic director and sports official. As a high school and college referee, he traveled the country for many years to work at sporting events. He has remained physically active, enjoying water aerobics, riding his trike when the weather is nice, and working out in the gym. He says listening to music is key when working out.

Rich knows it’s important to exercise his brain to stay mentally active, and he does this by regularly enjoying crossword puzzles. He also knows being social is a key dimension of wellness. He rarely misses a ROMEOs lunch or watching the special entertainers who visit campus. He meets his “amigos” every night for dinner, where they enthusiastically talk about current events, sports and food.

Joan Newman is focused on exercise and nutrition to improve her overall health and energy. She enjoys staying fit by walking and doing water aerobics. She attends both the Lee Health Healthy Living classes in the welcome center and the nutrition classes provided by Cypress Cove’s registered dietician.

“The nutrition meetings are excellent,” Joan said. “We started with just a few attendees and now the room is at capacity. I have made beneficial changes to my diet after attending these classes.”

Joan uses an app on her waterproof Apple watch and iPhone called Intervals to schedule and record her water aerobics routines so she can do them in the pool at her convenience.

Donna Miceli says, “The opportunities to maintain both physical and mental wellness are almost endless here at Cypress Cove. From a physical wellness standpoint, walking has always been my favorite form of exercise, so I particularly enjoy my morning walks around our beautifully landscaped campus. On days when it’s raining, or too hot and humid to walk outside, I can still get my daily steps in by walking the halls on all four floors.”

Donna also stays active and mentally alert by volunteering as a contributing editor with Cove Currents magazine, and serving on the scholarship committee, health committee and Residents Council.

Bill and Rita McSharry both practice a specific exercise regime, tailored to their needs, in the fitness center along with walking. Bill also enjoys riding his bike.

Rita has changed her eating habits to primarily plant-based with fish for protein. “Our extensive dining menus and salad bar give me a variety of healthy choices,” she said. “Volunteering and playing trivia, as well as attending lectures and Lee Health Living classes exercises my mind and keeps me engaged with my fellow residents.”

Bill keeps his mind engaged with volunteer roles, including participation on the Facilities and Tech Committees, serving as Vice Commodore of the Yacht Club, and sailing radio-controlled sailboats. “I satisfy my lifelong love of gardening by raising orchids in a raised garden bed and displaying them on the concierge desk.” He also plays trivia and does crossword and jigsaw puzzles.

Virginia Hanley fell in love with fitness quite by chance later in life. Meeting a fellow New Yorker while taking a nutrition class at a local community college in Kansas led her to what she exclaims changed her life forever! She has since certified and taught in Delaware and South Florida since 2006. Virginia maintains her group fitness certification through the Athletics and Fitness Association of America every two years.

Upon arriving at Cypress Cove in 2014, Virginia began volunteering to teach several classes per week. Over these eight plus years she has added variety and specifically selected music to the balance, aerobics, core and resistance training classes offered weekly. Virginia introduced the Wheels in Motion class, designed for those with walkers or just getting started. “There is something for everyone regardless of limitations,” Virginia said. “Just bring a smile to any class. Your participation may make a difference in your life, too.”
Virginia has volunteered in several different roles around campus and continues to volunteer with Lee Health.

As you can see from these examples, there are many opportunities to enjoy all the dimensions of wellness at Cypress Cove!