Lynn Huber Receives Employee of the Year Award From Florida Senior Living Association (FSLA)

Lynn’s coworkers were delighted to nominate her for the FSLA awards program. Here are just two letters of recommendation nominating the Transitions of Care Manager with a larger-than-life personality for this coveted award:

It is an honor and privilege to write this letter of nomination for Lynn Huber for consideration for Employee of the Year. Lynn is our Transitions of Care Manager for our Skilled Nursing Facility, The Lodge at Cypress Cove. She has been in this position for almost nine years. Lynn is responsible for greeting our new residents when they are admitted, she plans for their discharge, she begins the care plan process, organizes many different physicians follow ups and handles all resident concerns. Lynn possesses many great qualities that I wish every person in the world could have.”

She demonstrates patience, compassion and love in her role as caregiver and is a terrific role model for others. She is well-respected and well-liked by her colleagues in our SNF (The Lodge). I would say that her quiet and humble demeanor makes her a strong role model, but I would be lying. Lynn is anything but quiet. Not only is she confident in voicing her opinions, concerns and thoughts, but she likes to sing. A lot, and quite loud, and has a song for every occasion. I would not recommend her for American Idol try outs–she should not quit her day job–but would like to be able to recognize the important work she does daily.

It does not matter if you are a resident, a family member, a friend or a co-worker, Lynn will drop whatever she is doing and solve whatever issue there is or grab a group of people to sing Happy Birthday at a moment’s notice. Again, she loves to sing. During every moment of the last two years, during this pandemic, Lynn has strived to keep the families involved and informed in every aspect of their loved one’s care. She has been a key player in setting up Facetimes, Skype, Echo show and many other communication avenues to ensure families stay in touch.

Lynn’s attitude and behavior is always one of upbeat and positive. She continually finds the good in everything and everyone. Despite the overwhelming amount of work she must do, she finds ways to assist all departments. Her willingness to assist others, whether it’s residents, families or her co-workers, is unequaled. One program she spearheads is The Lodge’s Care and Comfort Program. This is a program that provides end of life care for residents who wish not to participate or do not qualify yet for Hospice services. The goal is to support and comfort residents in a manner that consists with their wishes and beliefs. She takes the time to educate not only the families, but the residents and staff as well. You can often find Lynn organizing prayer circles for residents to comfort them.

It is with great pleasure that I nominate Lynn Huber for Employee of the Year.

Kimberly Scott
Director of Nursing
The Lodge at Cypress Cove

I am excited to recommend Lynn Huber for FSLA’s Employee of the Year award. Lynn has been with the Cypress Living organization for over 9 years and has done an outstanding job in both her role as a charge nurse, and in more recent years our Transitions of Care Manger. As the Transitions of Care Manager Lynn coordinates discharges from The Lodge, our skilled nursing facility. In addition to discharge planning, Lynn attends to residents’ psychosocial and emotional needs, provides supportive counseling and advanced care planning for experiences such as chronic illness, physical disabilities, and end-of-life arrangements. She has taken our palliative care and comfort program to the next level providing not only emotional support but also spiritual. Lynn is known for leading prayer circles with fellow staff and family members for residents who are transitioning.

Many times, when residents are admitted to a skilled rehab or long-term care facility, it’s assumed they have a strong support system. Unfortunately, this is not always the case and Lynn has made it a priority in her role to ensure that proper guidance and services are provided to spouses, care givers or adult children. Lynn is known to give up her office on Wednesday mornings so that a psychologist can have care giver support sessions with those who need it.

Lynn works closely with our internal Transitions of Care team which monitors, plans, and assist with moves for residents who are in need of a higher level of care within the community. This transition can be difficult for residents, but Lynn ensures to involve the resident, spouses, and any welcomed family member in this decision-making process in order to have the most successful move. In our setting, family dynamics play a large role in this process, but Lynn goes the extra mile to communicate in whichever the preferred method may be, from email, phone calls, Facetime, or group chats. She is one to overcommunicate in every possible way and does so in a calm and collective manner.

Lynn is well known around our community for her bright cheerful attitude that matches her colorful attire which is always paired perfectly to a pen of the day. Lynn encompasses many positive traits that make her outstanding at her job. She utilizes individualized approaches for our residents and follows up with them after they have left The Lodge. She is a patient’s biggest advocate, and it shows in her everyday work.

It is truly an honor to nominate Lynn Huber for the Employee of the Year Award.

Tily Sayeh
Assistant Skilled Nursing Administrator
The Lodge at Cypress Cove