Our mission is to provide innovative solutions for high-quality care and services by a trusted team of professionals that enables older adults to thrive in their home and achieve their highest potential. Cypress at Home was founded in 2014 to serve Cypress Cove residents and expanded in 2019 to offer its services to the greater Fort Myers community.
Care Leadership at Cypress at Home is founded on solid and extensive education, vast experience and a strong commitment to provide the highest-quality comprehensive care to aging adults in their home. Our Leadership Team brings expertise in social work, nursing, Aging Life Care Management® and osteopathic medicine directly to our clients and their families.
The Areas We Serve
Lee County, Florida
To learn more about Cypress at Home’s innovative care and services, visit our website.
Live what you love. Love where you live
be your best self.
Our state-of-the-art whole person wellness programming will keep you at your very best.
what to know.
Do you have questions about your senior living options? We’re here to help.