For 21 years, Harry Schumacher served as an educator and administrator in the Belleville and East St. Louis (IL) school system. He was a beloved and well-known figure in a troubled community.
So, it came as no surprise in 1967 that during a tumultuous time in American history that riots erupted in the East St. Louis community. What was surprising, though, was the late night call Harry got from the mayor of that troubled city.
He was asked to help restore calm by talking with the community’s youth. Harry didn’t give it a second thought, jumping in his car and heading to the East St. Louis housing project where he discovered firemen and policemen “pinned down” from gun fire atop one of the high rises.
Harry drove a big old 98 Oldsmobile and despite police discouragement, he steered his car toward the not-so-friendly gun fire. Bullets zipped around him—even smashing through the car’s back window.
At that point, he jumped out of his car and thankfully a few of the unruly mob recognized him, stopped shooting and Harry managed to help restore peace to the area.
That’s the kind of guy Harry was and is—an individual with his arms open, willing to help. The lessons learned during his educational career would serve him well, allowing Harry to walk a career path where his calming demeanor and administrative skills would lend happiness and comfort to thousands.
Meanwhile, the rioting incident in East St. Louis most likely was an impetus for him to consider a move. And thanks in part to a lady friend in Burlington, VT (he and Ronnie would later marry), he focused his attention on a new career based in New England.
Ronnie guided him towards Vermont where his credentials drew the interest of the Governor. He would soon receive the appointment as Director of the state’s Department of Aging. It was no unfamiliar territory for Harry since he had done similar work while in Illinois.
Still, the transition was not without a strained beginning –coming into a small New England state and taking over a staff of 27. In fact, for the first six weeks, his staff would not talk to him! A phone call to the governor provided a quick resolution when Governor Richard Snelling strolled into his office and proceeded to introduce him to each of the staff. The message was received—Harry’s days of solitude ended!
Another appointment soon followed—this time he would be the state representative to the White House Conference on Aging—a position that gave him the responsibility for administering all federal senior/aging programs in Vermont.
The position opened new possibilities and an opportunity for Harry to expand his senior management career. While at a conference, he met Brother William Geenen, founder of the Senior Friendship Center program in Sarasota. Harry so impressed Brother Geenen that he was recruited to establish and manage Senior Centers in Venice, Ft. Myers and Naples.
“The philosophy of the program was amazing to me,” says Harry. The centers provide a plethora of activities and services for the purpose of helping to eliminate isolation and loneliness of the elderly. Harry jumped at the chance and worked as director, then as regional administrator for centers from Sarasota to Naples.
There were many outstanding center programs that Harry spearheaded, such as the establishment of clinics manned by retired doctors and nurses (state approved) and the development of an adult day care center, a transportation program and a meals program. The programs were and still remain a success even after Harry’s departure in 1998 following 17 years of devoting himself to bringing a smile to the faces of those who use the centers.
The key to the program’s success, says Harry, was “volunteering” and through Harry passionate ways the centers flourished.
Today, Harry and Ronnie continue to enjoy Southwest Florida living on the campus of Cypress Cove at HealthPark Florida, a 48-acre life-planned community.